February 16, 2010
His Excellency Meles Zenawi
Prime Minister of the Federal Republic of Ethiopia
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Via facsimile: (251) 11 1552020
Mr. Prime Minister,
We are writing to draw your attention to conditions that undermine press freedom as guaranteed in Article 29 of the Ethiopian Constitution. We would welcome your leadership in furthering reform by working for the repeal of draconian provisions in recent antiterrorism and media legislation. We also call on your administration to abandon practices that obstruct the free flow of information, such as the ruling EPRDF’s absolute control of the government-subsidized and publicly funded national press, the government’s restrictive media regulation and licensing practices, and the state’s censorship of Internet content. Read Full Story≫
CPJ is not strong enougt to force the Ethiopian Gov't to respect the rule of law. But at least can send a message to western countries how much meles is autocrat.
I like the fact that fish do begin to spoil at the head. That is what happens in Ethiopia. The govenment is broken, off course it wasn't established from the very beginning.