Ethiopian Americans Council (EAC) | September 3, 2009
SAN JOSE - Pride will light up the face of every Ethiopian and Ethiopian American who comes to celebrate the fifth annual Ethiopian flag raising ceremony on September 8 in San Jose. The event will begin at 12:00 noon at the San Jose City Hall.
The event aims not only at celebrating Ethiopian New Year but also at stirring the patriotism within the hearts of Ethiopians, so they may never forget their roots, even when they are far away from their motherland.
Please join the San Jose City Mayor, Vice Mayor, City Council members at the unprecedented flag raising ceremony where the Ethiopia flag will fly over the new San Jose City Hall.
This special civic ceremony is an excellent exercise of patriotism and keeps tradition and respect for the homeland alive in the soul of every Ethiopian. So invite friends and family, dress in the green yellow and red of Ethiopia and come celebrate with us!
San Jose is the first city in the entire United States of America officially hosting the Ethiopian flag.
When: Tuesday Sep. 8th 2009
Time: 12:00 (Noon)
Place: 200 E Santa Clara Street Next to front water feature by the poles.
We look forward to seeing you at the event!
Ethiopian Americans Council (EAC)
P.O. Box 28597 San Jose, Ca 95159
e-mail: ethioamericans@gmail.com
Queen Elen said,
ReplyDeleteSeptember 5th, 2009 at 08:29 | #2 Reply | Quote The big story make short;
What is ethnic federalism? For Instance in the illegally and unhistorical created so called oromia (the name no one knows from where it came), lives more than 65 Ethnic groups. So, what is your Ethnic federalism(Kilil)?
First of all, this has done by group of bandits; TPLF and EPLF to express their hate towards Ethiopia, to implement anti Ethiopian foreign elements policy that assisted them for years and to take anything they want as they did and still are doing.
Kilil? What is it? What is the historical and legal justification to draw any line and calling it as a state with in a state; Ethiopia? The woyane kilil is just the kind of bandit act no more no less. We Ethiopians and the world know how Ethiopia/Abyssinia looked like even before the Gragn(a bastard Somalian agent) war( Ottoman/Arab Islam against Christian Ethiopia) in 1522EC(1529) -1536EC(1543).
With the Christian European help, the Islamic invaders were defeated from the Ethiopian soil. But the damage remained. Millions of people lived there have been killed, immigrated to the north or forced to change their religion.
This situation became the best way to the galla Migration from the corner of today’s balie. All gallas were at the time Nomads and always on the move looking grass to their animals. It was in their nature to take lands from others and keep it as their own as we see today in Northern Kenya and southern Ethiopia with some Tribes.
The mass and brutal galla Migration did able to occupy the Ethiopian highland with limited resistances as the previous war was badly affected the area and damaged the country central administration the same way as we see today in Somalia.
The Mass galla Migration took 300 years (1550-1850) and on the way many native people have been killed, forced to accept the Galla way of Life or immigrated. That is why the Oromo in central and other part of Ethiopia are naturally looks different than Oromos living in the Oromo Original territory Deep in the South and northern Kenya..
The point is that the TPLF created Kilil will never ever accepted by the Ethiopians. Ask the Sidamas about it. Ask the shewa Amharas about it. Ask kefficho and other Ethnic groups about it. 95% all disputed territories today are in the Illegally TPLF and Shabia created Oromia. 5% are in Tigry. Do you think any Gondere will accept wolqite-Tegede, Humera, Alem wuha Zuria and others its natural territory taken by little bandits like (A) Boy Sebhat who is a childish and sick individual and will be forgotten or accepted? NO.
It is about Time.
Until then, read the book called “YE GALLA Tarik written by an Ethiopian monk, Traveller, historian and writer with name Abraha who was born in the south. The book is written in 1595. Read also other world historians including Arabs who visited Ethiopia time after time mainly in the 13, 14, 15 and so on century. such as Arabs, Europeans, Chinese and so on have long contact with Ethiopia. You find in their books about the rest of Ethiopian groups in the region but not the Oromo (new name to the Gallas since 1974). The only international writer who mentioned in 1898/1906 about the Galla existence in Ethiopia was a Russian writer/traveller. In his book, you find no single work saying “Oromo”. He was calling them with the name they always had ‘Galla’ (Gada system is a corrupt word from Galla).
The point is that the Ethiopian at least the past 500 years true History will guide all Ethiopians. Not the bandit woyane and shabia Kilil and blah blah.
What do think oromo? No body knows where you come from.. maybe as ethio monk wrote it ..oromos are from water...
Only Amahara flag??
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